Difference between a freeter and a neet
Difference between a freeter and a neet

difference between a freeter and a neet

Sorry, it just sets me off whenever I hear the phrase "contribute to society". They exist for their OWN self-actualization. People don't exist to work to contribute to the self-actualization of the rich. I think the Japanese and American perspective on work is flawed. I can take care of others without being tethered to a job, which would drain my energy and exacerbate my depression, making me useless to everyone. You think the only way to contribute is by being a wagie with kids and a house in the suburbs, spending all your time at some soul-crushing, miserable job? I have time to volunteer. I think unemployed people, even permanently mentally or physically disabled ones with no hope of ever working, still "contribute to society". One can only hope they know to treat the cause not the symptom. With millions of Hiki on the rise, Japan government is slowly realize their toxic work culture is damaging their people. You may think their end goal is turn Hiki into a "wageslave" or whatever, but that's still a million time better than not caring at all. GFF even have dedicated classes for Hiki to learn basic communication skills and stuff. If you don't want to talk, fine, just come and look around.

difference between a freeter and a neet

Month after month, then week after week, then they ask you to come and hanging with other hiki and ex-hiki to have someone to talk and relate to. They only try to check in on Hiki once a month to not stress them, only encourage them, not use shaming tactic or the likes. While the GFF is not doing it for a noble cause, both type of organizations are incredibly patient to Hiki. And there're also government founded facilities (GFF) that the end goal is "hey be normal soon so you can go back to work, losers". There're private founded organizations (PFO) that run by doctor or Ex-Hiki that really care about Hiki and trying to understand and help them as a fellow human being. "Why Japan clarifies the differences between NEET Hikikomori Freeter and Unemployed Persons" you ask? SO THEY CAN HELP THEM, Japan have organizations that are trying to help Hiki join/rejoin the outside world. What is this r/gatekeeping that come up time and time again? Is there a NEET olympics coming up and I'm not qualified? I have seen people in the NEET community call themselves NEET when they are just temporarily unemployed and not exactly refusing to work or go to school and contribute to society So for that one thought now I'm cured of NEETdom? Should I pack my shit up and get out of here. Currently life for me is not drastically better than before, I fall back into doing nothing all the times, only different is now in my mind I will always want to get out of this NEET thing. I didn't want to go outside or interact with anyone since I was 12-ish all the way to 22-23 years old, after all that time then I finally decided to try to do something about my life and the future. So what do you guys think of Japan making these distinctions? The article also goes into the differences between Freeters (Japan's part-time workers) and Hikikomori (Acute Social Withdrawal) and it also clarifies that Hikikomori and NEET technically mean the same thing the only difference is NEETs can socially interact while hikikomori do not socially interact and do not leave their bedrooms however hikikomori does not necessarily mean that the person never leaves home and those who are at home but make money are not considered hikikomori but rather regarded as self-employed. The reason i ask this is because i have seen people in the NEET community call themselves NEET when they are just temporarily unemployed and not exactly refusing to work or go to school and contribute to society. It clarifies that NEETs are those who have given up and do not seek employment and are not an education or vocational training either and unlike NEETs unemployed persons still seek out employment. A Japanese article i found highlights the difference between those who are NEET and those who are temporarily unemployed but still seeking employment.

Difference between a freeter and a neet